
// Technical solutions for development and validation of motor applications and motor control software.


MOTEON offers a structured, technology-oriented approach for testing, developing and optimising mechatronic drive systems and motor control software. Our focus is to identify bugs at an early stage and to parameterise efficiently. This approach enables us to achieve significant cost and time savings throughout the entire development process, thereby helping to increase the productivity and profitability of your projects.


  • Verification of MCTRL algorithms & signal analysis
  • Identification of issues throughout the development phase
  • Validation of software adaptions in the ongoing development process
  • Direct implementation in the installed, application-oriented state

The TraceBox is a versatile data acquisition and communication tool for the development and validation of motor control software that can be used in conjunction with real target hardware.

View TraceBox

Mobile Motor Test Bench (mMTB)

  • Use of customized motor and electronic control unit in the same load structure
  • Integration of the TraceBox in a test bench concept
  • Design specifically constructed for office use
  • Rapid verification of motor control algorithms & signal analysis

The Mobile MTB is a compact motor test bench to develop and test a variety of motor applications in a standardized and functionally safe environment.


View mMTB

Motor Analysis Tool

  • Identify if the motor is suitable for the target application
  • Analysis of motor behavior across different operating temperatures
  • Comparison between two motor parameter sets
  • Save and load selected target points to/from a file

The Motor Analysis Tool shows the limit and capability of a motor and its range of operation by visualizing the potential ranges such as voltage, operating modes, device temperature, and systems parameters like tolerances.

View Motor Analysis Tool

Motor Test Bench (MTB)

  • Multi mechanical and electrical DUTs support
  • High precision power measurement with calibrated devices
  • Software integration into existing ecosystem and application lifecycle management via industry standard software
  • High level communication with DUT

The MTB is a sophisticated test bench that is capable of testing and measuring a wide range of motors and electrical components. It offers both automated and manual capabilities and can test multiple mechanical systems simultaneously.

View MTB